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Professional blog for $0 in 10 minutes beginner tutorial

Posted on:June 27, 2023 at 09:00 PM

1. Clone the astro-paper theme.

If you have GitHub’s CLI installed:

gh repo clone satnaing/astro-paper

If you have git installed:

git clone

Or download and extract the ZIP file:

2. Install dependencies with npm

Open the astro-paper folder in the terminal and run:

npm i

3. Run locally

npm run start

Click http://localhost:3000/ here or the link in the terminal to view the site during development.

4. Swap out all the details for your own

Make sure the dev page you have up reflects the changes as you go!

4.1 src/content/blog - stores all your blog posts.

Move all the example pages somewhere else and use them as a guide to write your own
Add a basic page of your own now as you need at least one page here.

author: Yoda
pubDatetime: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
title: A title is this
postSlug: a-title-is-this
featured: true
  - yoda
description: Description

## Page my first

4.2 Fill src/config.ts with global site info

4.3 Edit src/pages/ to be about you

4.4 Edit src/pages/index.astro as your homepage

5. Sign up for Cloudflare

6. Setup wrangler

Install Cloudflare’s Wrangler CLI:

npm i wrangler

Link wrangler with the account you created:

wrangler login

7. Build and deploy

Turn all your code into static files:

npm run build

Send those static files to Cloudflare:

npx wrangler pages deploy dist

8. Done!

View and manage your site: Cloudflare Dashboard > Workers & Pages > Yoursite
View your site live: [yoursitesname]

From here you can keep adding blog articles inside of src/content/blog as simple markdown .md files.

I wrote a custom script in package.json for deploying to cloudflare:

"scripts": {
    "deploy": "npx wrangler pages deploy dist",

Every time you want to redeploy just run npm run build, then double check the build with npm run preview unless you live life on the edge, and finally npm run deploy.

8. Bonus step - How to add a custom domain

Get your own domain i.e.
This optional step costs around ten dollars usually depending on your country. You can register a domain with any domain registrar but I suggest using cloudflare as they’re cheap and you will want to use their nameservers anyway, which would add extra steps if you register elsewhere.

Register a domain with cloudflare

On the Cloudflare pages site you have setup in your Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to the Custom Domains tab. Click Set up a custom domain, type in the domain you purchased and accept all the defaults. It might take a few minutes for the custom domain to point to your site.

Bonus info - How does it work?

We essentially setup SSG with a CDN. But what does that even mean 🤔

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. Think of it as an internet shipping company that has computer warehouses all over the planet that deliver our website to people. This is what Cloudflare does for us.

SSG stands for Static Site Generation. If our site were a cake, we baked it on our computer rather than something like sending the recipe to the warehouse which would be reffered to as SSR (Server Side Rendering). It’s cheaper and easier this way for small cakes (websites) like our blog.